Chemical processes area

Chemical processes area


The department has a large variety of facilities for carrying out tests, studies, reports, projects, experiments, analyses, and synthesis relating to chemical engineering. Of note are the areas of polymers and plastics, environment, processes and biotechnology, corrosion, nanotechnology, surface treatment, artistic heritage and fibres.

Services can be hired ranging from short services with rapid, simple results to large applied research or development projects in cooperation with other companies or institutions, with opportunities for government funding.

Furthermore, professional continuing education courses can be organized within the areas of expertise of different lecturers. For further information, contact each lecturer.

Design and operation of chemical plants
  • Process simulators
  • Intelligent decision support systems
  • Pilot plant for developing and verifying decision support and control systems (process CIM)
Anslysis of technological risks
  • Performance of risk analysis
  • Evaluation of risk-analysis studies (D. Seveso)
Study of hydrocarbon fires
  • Study of industrial accidents
  • Modelling of effects and consequences of serious accidents (fire, explosions, toxic leaks)
  • Experimental facility for simulating hydrocarbon fires
  • Radiometers, infrared thermographic camera and thermocouples
  • Meteorological station
Heterogenous-catalysis studies
  • Gas-phase dynamic reactors