Engineering and biotechnology :

The overall objective of the research group Engibio is the development of biotechnological processes with a high level of implementation and rapid transfer of results to industry. Our projects are centered on chemical engineering knowledge.

The group is divided into five areas of research: Food Technology, biopolymerizations, bioprocessing, tanning and chemical education.

1) Food technology (natural antioxidants) :
Line focused on the study of the antioxidant and antiradical properties of natural compounds (polyphenols) for food or cosmetic applications.
The tasks performed are:
  • Collection and characterization (antiradical and antioxidant capacity) of plant extracts
  • Evaluation of the antioxidant composition of plant elements (fruit, flowers, bark, ...)
  • Study of synergies with other compounds (proteins, biopolymers, ...)
  • Evaluation and design of the protective capacity of food and physiological improvement of animals and people.
  • Development of new intelligent materials useful to the food industry
Contact researcher: Dra. Maria Pilar Almajano (EUETIB i ETSEIB) (


2) Biopolymers and bioreactors :

The objective of this line is the study and design process especially designed to obtain biopolymers.
  • Bacterial fermentations to obtain water soluble biopolymers and separation using non-chemical systems.
  • Preparation of bioplastics (PHB, PLA) and study of their degradation
  • Obtaining biopolymer adducts with active substances with pharmacological activity or food.
  • Optimization of microbial fermentation processes. Effect of special additives.
  • Applications of biopolymers in cosmetics
Contact researcher: Dr. Jordi Bou Serra (ETSEIB) (
3) Bioprocess :
This line focuses on the development of bio or synthetic organic waste to obtain new materials for application in fields as diverse as construction, automotive, packaging or decoration.
Its tasks are:
  • Study of the biotransformation of waste at laboratory-scale.
  • Study and production of enzymes related to bio-based waste and cellulosic materials in general.
  • Study of scaling prototypes for specific applications.
  • Study, optimization and improvement of biotechnology processes.
  • Development of prototypes of high-value cellulose base, for use in the construction industry, transport and packaging.
  • Preparation and study of a technology based company focused on new cellulosic materials
Contact researcher: Dra. Margarita Calafell (ETSEIAT) (
4) Leather and tanning (leather survace improvement) :
Line investigating new tannery processes for improving the properties of leather.
  • Tannery enzymes and other compounds with low toxicity
  • Reduction of pollution load from tanning businesses
  • Surface finishes of polymers, biopolymers and resins. Reformulation of existing compounds.
  • Tannery with emerging technologies (ultrasound)
Contact researcher: Dr. Lluis Ollé (EUETII) (
5) Teaching chemistry :
This line focuses its efforts on innovation in teaching topics related to chemistry (environment, biotechnology, nanotechnology) as both theoretical and practical impact on secondary education, college and graduate.

Contact researcher: Prof. Aureli Calvet (EUETIB) (

Relevant facilities of the group :

  • Fluorimetry / plate spectrophotometer
  • Refrigerated centrifuge for large volumes (2 L)
  • Eppendorfs refrigerated centrifuge
  • UV-Vis Spectroscopy
  • Chromatography HPLC
  • Gas chromatography GC
  • Chromatography GPC in HFIP
  • Liquid chromatography FPLC
  • Bioreactors from 1 to 10 L capacity
  • Freeze
  • Equipment for treatment pilot plant cellulose (pulp, stove, molds)

Contacts :



Scientific output : 

eprints upc